A runner discovers the common cold runs its course on its own time — no matter how much you whine.
September 14, 2010
Fundamental Truth: a cold lasts a week. If you sleep it off, it lasts a week. If you run it off, it gets worse and then lasts a week. If you whine it off, it still lasts a week but people care less. If you run and fly and work and don’t sleep, right, it’s still a week but you feel worse. Colds last a week. Get over it. I will as soon as my head clears and I can stop coughing…you know tomorrow when it will be a week.
September 16, 2010
Eight days. Cold, get thee to a nunnery and be damned quick about it. Yelling at a cold does not help. Sleep does, but only for awhile. Bitching helps but only if done privately. Push-ups are illusory. Bench presses do not replace mileage. My new NB 1064s are watching me warily from the closet floor…do they know something I don’t? What do they mean by their mocking stance? Are they closet Marines? is there such a thing? Argggggghhhhhhh.
September 17, 2010
Should have written something today. An update of some sort. Perhaps an insight of some kind. A poem? A story? A shopping list? A joke? Something, anything. Good thing tomorrow is Yom Kippur so I won’t be able to do nothing again until tomorrow after sundown AND I get to atone for today. This book of life thing keeps a guy on his toes.
September 18, 2010
Sundown. Another year in the book. Start sinning early is what I say…afterwards, come morning, go for a run.
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